Address: 600 17th Street, Suite 2800 South

Denver CO 80202

Call or text: 720-580-6445



Frequently Asked Questions

The following are some of the top questions we get around Gator and transactional funding

What states do you work in?

Currently we work with other real estate investors across the United States. If the real estate transaction makes sense we will work with you on the deal.

What is the criteria to qualify for programs?

We evaluate every deal individually and base our decision to jv, fund or partner based on the details and merits of the deal.

Do I have to use your documents?

We do require you to use our contracts or addendums for deals we work with you on.

What do you charge for your services?

We base our rates for our services based on the following: the deal, the amount needed, the length of time for the need.

Contact Info

600 17th Street, Suite 2800 South

Denver CO 80202


CPI Transactions - helping you get your real estate transactions to the closing table

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